Hi Folks,
What a nice drastic turn in the fishing this week. The trout fishing has really picked up. Now if we could just get a few days of no rain. Water temperatures have finally warmed into the high fifties and stayed there. River flows are a bit erratic. Even in the high flows the fishing has been good. The water clarity had been fine. The fish still have to eat and we have been focusing on the softer water. Lots of insect activity from #10-#12 March Browns, #14 olive bodied caddis with a mottled wing, to #14 Grey Fox, and lots of #14 sulphurs. There have been some massive caddis hatches in the morning with egg laying activity at dusk. I have been seeing some rising trout and salmon even with the high flows. We have mostly been nymphing with a #12 flashback pheasant tail and a #14 ice caddis dropper. I have also been having clients swing a #16 soft hackle. On the dry fly front a large #12 Ausable Wulff, #10 March Brown Parachute, and a #14 Sulphur compara dun have all caught fish. It looks like June will be a great month of fishing in the Stowe area. A nice weather pattern for the next few days, I am off to chase pike and bass and trout over the weekend. Remmeber to clean your gear and keep the non-native species at home.
Have fun, Willy