Hi Folks, Great time to be on the water pursuing trout with the fly. Water temps. on the Winooski and Lamoille have been hovering between 63 and 66 degrees. I have been floating my drift boat with guests on both rivers. Not a lot of people fishing. The water levels are low and we could use some sustained rain. The wind has been blowing like crazy lately. Makes handling the drift boat challenging at times. More so the wind is blowing the hatching bugs off the water too quickly. My selfish thinking. I want the hatching mayflies and caddis trapped on the surface so a big nose from a trout can rise up suck them in! For insects lately, there have been a food assortment. Lots and lots of caddis activity. #14/#16 olive caddis pupa on rocks in riffles and adults laying eggs at dusk. A mottled wing with greenish/gray body. My clients have been casting a #12 peacock body caddis dry. For mayflies we have been seeing #14/#16 Sulphurs, a few #8/10 Brown Drakes, and last night a ton of #10/#12 March Brown spinners dancing over riffles. Most of the hatching and egg laying has been around 8:30pm to 9pm. I have been dragging my drift boat out at 10pm on average the last few nights. When we have not been seeing any insect activity a well swung #10 olive crystal chenille bugger has been very effective catching larger trout. I have had 2 15” plus wild rainbow landed in the last 2 days on buggers. Strong fighting trout. More cold air is upon us. Great for the trout fishing. I will be floating the next 3 days. Remember to clean your gear and keep the non-native species at home. Have Fun, Willy