Hi Folks, Still plenty of winter left in northern Vermont and lots of safe ice for fishing. There is more ice that I have seen in a number of years. We have been walking on 20” of black ice on several different lakes. Still a bit slush and false ice present. The snow melts from the bottom up on the ice. It’s a big insulating blanket. Good winter boots are required. At this present rate, we will ice fish into the beginning of April. The fishing has been up and down. The trout fishing has been hot one day and slow the next. The northern pike fishing has been consistent, albeit landing any large fish. The late winter northern pike fishing can be dynamite as the fish move into shallow bays to spawn. I like setting tip ups with as large as baits as I can find. Large golden shiners, smelt, and yellow perch work well. Wounding the baits or even a dead bait can be very effective. Typically I set my baits towards the bottom of the lake.I will suspend them when there are lots of weeds in the lake. Trout fishing is just the opposite as I have my greatest success setting up just under the ice. Regardless of the depth of water, I have had consistent success catching trout on tip ups with my baits just under the ice to maybe 10’ down. The jig fishing for yellow perch has been the most consistent. Catching lots of perch on Hali jigs. Even had a bonus smallmouth bass eat a small bibbit. We have been locating perch over grass/weed flats. Looking forward to the next 5 weeks of ice fishing.Should be good. Remember to clean your gear and keep the non-native species at home. Have Fun, Willy