Hi Folks, Guiding fishing trips is an an ever changing activity. Especially due to inconsistent weather patterns from season to season. This year is dry and it would be fair to say we are on the cusp of a drought. Any rain is much needed. I am okay with the weather because I have guided for 24 years in Vermont and I have a tremendous inventory of water to fish. Plus I am fortunate to have built a high percentage of repeat business who I like to show new water every time we get together. Fishing the same spot over and over again does not work. Especially as water temperatures and levels change. My advice to new fly anglers and aspiring guides is build up an inventory of water that can be worked without abusing the same spot and fish over and over again. River temps. are crazy warm currently. I have been on the water everyday and I am getting some scary water temps. One of my big river spots for smallmouth was 80 degrees at 5:45 am yesterday. The tiny Mt. Brook I guided in the afternoon was 63 degrees at 5pm. Not sure I have ever recorded water temps. that high in this little mountain stream. Carry a thermometer and leave trout alone in water over 70 degrees. That means that the Lamoille and Winooski are not fish able currently. The smallmouth fishing has been very good. Really good top water action. Popping bugs in black are still my most consistent producer. A #6 black foam crease fly or tickler as I like to call it, has been very consistent. Also a #8 black cork popping bug with rubber legs has been killer on the smallmouth. Due to the heat and sun, the bass have been holding tight to large rocks. Placing the fly in close proximity to in stream cover has been fruitful. The Brook trout have been holding tight to cover as well. Casting accuracy is demanded in each situation. Lots and lots of #6-#8 golden stone fly shucks on in stream rocks and boulders. I have been seeing a decent number of #16 tan bodied caddis hatching in the big water and the Fall Fish seem to be all over them. Saw a decent number of caddis and #14 yellow sallies coming off early morning on a Lamoille trib. earlier in the week. No rising fish yet we were able to catch a handful of small wild rainbows and browns on a #16 Goddard caddis. Still water fishing has been decent. The top water bite has been first and last light. The giant Hex is still hatching though it seems to have waned a bit as surface lake temps. really warm. There are always fishing options. However, with the current warm weather the big water trout fishing is not one of them. Remember to clean your gear and keep the non- native species at home. Have Fun, Willy