A little break

Hi Folks, Some days are the perfect set up for catching big fish. The last couple of days have been that case. We received some much needed rain and it puffed up our rivers a bit. Perfect conditions to shuffle the deck and move some big fish around. If you are a large...

Beating the Heat

Hi Folks, Guiding fishing trips is an an ever changing activity. Especially due to inconsistent weather patterns from season to season. This year is dry and it would be fair to say we are on the cusp of a drought. Any rain is much needed. I am okay with the weather...

Light it up

HI Folks, I have been on the water daily guiding and the fishing has been pretty darn good. We are in summer mode fishing now. Early morning or late day are the prime times to be on the water. Most of my focus is on smallmouth bass. The big trout water is too warm....

Species Diversity

Hi Folks, One of the things I really enjoy with fishing is how fluid it can be. A week of extreme heat followed by a cool down with some rain and the fishing turns on. The big water trout fishing is still not an option due to warm water temperatures above 70 in the...

Giant heat wave

Hi Folks, The heat wave that will not go away. It is way too warm for this time of the year. The extreme summer heat coupled with very little rain has all but shut down the big water trout fishing. The:Lamoille was 73 degrees at 5:30am on Sunday. Ouch! Our waters...